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Saturday 17 October 2015

MASYAALLAH! Seorang lelaki tua masuk Restoran KFC...dan lihat tindakan Manager KFC itu yang pasti membuat kamu menangis

I was eating lunch at KFC IT Park earlier and as I was ab0ut t0 finish my meal, an 0ld man with w0rn 0ut cl0thes, a black bag and a twisted/br0ken arm entered the stre and appr0ached me (I was sitting near the d00r) and then sh0wed me his arm. He was saying s0mething, but I didn’t understand any 0f it. Nevertheless, kn0wing his situation, we handed him m0ney, which I d0n’t n0rmally d0, c0z I’d rather buy him f00d instead, but in this case, I did..t0gether with the 0ther cust0mers near him. He als0 sh0wed me a letter with s0me “0ffice 0f the May0r” heading. I wasn’t able t0 read it, f0r the manager already came t0 him. I thought he was g0ing t0 kick him 0ut 0f the st0re, but he didn’t.

Menerusi akaun Faceb00k yang dimiliki 0leh Matte0 Guidicelli, dia sedang menikmati makan tengah hari di KFC. Baru sahaja selesai makan, se0rang lelaki tua masuk ingin minta bantuan. Matte0 ini hanya bagi bantuan dari segi wang sahaja.

Tiba-tiba se0rang manager dari rest0ran KFC datang..

I th0ught he was g0ing t0 kick him, but he didn’t..
T0 my surprise, he 0ffered him f00d and talked t0 him instead. He even asked his crew member t0 replace the 0ld man’s c0llected c0ins with bills. I’ve 0verheard that he c0llected ab0ut P150 and the manager gave him P200.

It’s unexplainable feeling t0 see h0w his face brighten up when the manager handed him the f00d and the m0ney..even until he was ab0ut t0 leave the st0re. Y0u can tell h0w thankful he was. I was just smiling the wh0le time, c0vered in s0 much happiness up0n seeing his face.

Matte0 ingatkan manager itu akan menghalau 0rang tua tu keluar dari rest0ran. Tapi sebaliknya berlaku.. Manager tu bagi lelaki tua itu makanan dan bercakap dengannya.

Kelihatan ekspresi muka 0rang tua sangat bersyukur dan gembira.

Lelaki itu tanya kepada manager tersebut & ini jawapannya
After the 0ld man left, I went t0 talk t0 the manager ab0ut what he did and asked if I c0uld p0st this. (He requested n0t t0 include his name). He said that they’re really n0t all0wed t0 t0lerate beggars inside the st0re, but he c0uldn’t help but feel pity 0f the 0ld man, especially when he saw his arm. He said that, “Naa pud baya k0y papa inganang idara. Unsa man imu bati0n, diba?” (I als0 have a father ab0ut his age. H0w w0uld y0u feel if that’s your father?). The 0ld man’s child als0 has a mental illness, s0 he d0esn’t have much ch0ice but t0 take care 0f his 0wn.

Selepas 0rang tua keluar meninggalkan rest0ran tersebut, Matte0 terus jumpa manager tersebut dan bercakap dengannya. Jawapannya sangat menyentuh hati..

Dia bercakap bahawa dia tak sanggup tak kesusahan 0rang tua itu dan bayangkan kalau 0rang tua itu ayahnya sendiri. Lagi membebankan 0rang tua itu, anaknya sendiri mengalami kecacatan mental.

Syukur masih banyak lagi 0rang yang berhati murni di luar sana

I was teary eyed when I walked 0ut fr0m the st0re. It makes y0u think that a l0t of pe0ple c0mplain ab0ut n0t having the things that they want like an expensive bag 0r sh0es, while there’s s0me0ne out there wh0 can’t even pr0vide a meal f0r a day..0r s0me0ne wh0 c0uldn’t aff0rd t0 seek f0r medical attenti0n.. And then there’s als0 s0me0ne wh0’s stripping in public t0 get an iPh0ne. #smh

0n a lighter n0te, it feels amazing t0 kn0w that there are still g00d pe0ple 0ut there, like the manager and the pe0ple wh0 0ffered help f0r the 0ld man. They taught us t0 be c0mpassi0nate 0f 0thers despite their l00ks, status, gender, c0l0r, race 0r whatever s0cietal n0rms there may be.

G0d bless y0u, all! The w0rld needs m0re pe0ple like y0u!

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